Pass Plus Tuition

Advanced training from Love to Drive

Pass Plus is a training scheme aimed mainly at new drivers. The course has been specially designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) to help new drivers gain a range of skills and knowledge that often come through age & experience - often learned the hard way.

The course will teach you how to deal with a variety of road/traffic conditions that you might not have experienced before - including motorway driving, which you cannot undertake until you are a full licence holder!

The course is taken after you've passed your test and consists of a minimum of six hours of mainly practical, in-the-car instruction.

Where do I learn?

Only suitably graded driving instructors who have enrolled with the DSA are allowed to train drivers in Pass Plus. All of the driving instructors at Love to Drive are fully qualified to teach the Pass Plus scheme

What do I learn?

The course is comprised of six modules, each covering a different aspect of today's driving. The modules are briefly described here - full details are available on the DSA website.

Module 1 - Introduction/Town Driving

This consists of an introduction to the course, it's aims and objectives - including an introduction to the idea of Positive Driving. This is followed by a practical session of town driving.

Module 2 - All Weather Driving

This module covers the various difficulties faced by drivers in different weather conditions e.g. rain, snow, ice, fog - or even bright sunshine. It encompasses features like visibility, decisions on speed, aqauplaning and causes & prevention of skids - and how to correct skids.

Module 3 - Out of Town Driving & Rural Roads

Driving on country roads can be very different to driving in town. This module highlights these differences and stresses the importance of factors such as observing the road and making progress safely. It also considers keeping a safe distance and safe overtaking.

Module 4 - Night Driving

Driving at night is a very different experience to that of driving in daylight. This session highlights some of these differences such as use of headlights, judging speed and distance, driving in the time between daylight and darkness.

Module 5 - Dual Carriageways

Driving on Dual Carriageways can create situations that are not experienced during day- to-day town driving. Traffic is generally moving faster and you will learn the skills required to cope with these conditions e.g. judgment of speed & distance, more effective observation.

Module 6 - Motorways

Motorways provide a fast and efficient way of getting quickly from A to B. However, the speed of travel and the complexity of driving on these roads can present problems to the newly qualified driver (and to many experienced ones). This module provides valuable, practical motorway driving experience. It covers topics such as: joining & leaving motorways, judging distance and road signs & signals.

The complete Pass Plus course is available for £240. Please contact us for details.

The benefits - what's in it for me?

The Pass Plus scheme cannot turn you into an expert driver overnight. However, it will build on your existing skills and abilities.

You will:

  • gain valuable driving experience on different road types in varied driving conditions
  • develop a positive driving style leading to safer, more enjoyable driving
  • reduce you risk of being involved in a road accident become a more confident competent driver
  • reduce your insurance premiums with participating companies (subject to status)

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First 5 Lessons
just £190

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Zoe, newly qualified driver Lauren, newly qualified driver Wendy, newly qualified driver Karen, newly qualified driver Calum, newly qualified driver Blair, newly qualified driver Casey, newly qualified driver Craig, newly qualified driver Dale, newly qualified driver Dan, newly qualified driver David, newly qualified driver Gemma, newly qualified driver Graeme, newly qualified driver Lucy, newly qualified driver Mia, newly qualified driver Peter, newly qualified driver Piotr, newly qualified driver Sammy, newly qualified driver Sean, newly qualified driver Sinnead, newly qualified driver Steph, newly qualified driver


Martin is a brilliant instructor with great prices compared to other companies...

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Excellent instructor with lots of patience, I really enjoyed my lessons each week...

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My instructor always explained things well and he was really patient with me...

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So excited to say I've passed my driving test thanks to Love To Drive...

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Really enjoyed my lessons, relaxed and fun and passed first time, awesome!...

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Great instructor taught me a lot. Grateful for all the help...

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Thank you so much for everything, I couldnt have done it without you...

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Great guy, honest,tells you how it is. I had never driven a car before...

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Martin teaches at a rate thats suited to the learner...

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Excellent instructor, made me feel at ease...

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Having started taking driving lessons somewhat later in life...

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Semi-intensive course passed first time, couldnt have done it without my instructor...

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I passed first time, thank you so much...

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Passed first time thank you...

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Martin is one of the best instructors i have ever come across...

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Love to drive is a great driving school...

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Love to drive is a very good school, passed first time!...

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Top notch instructor. Great patience and put me at ease....

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I went with Love to Drive as as I heard about it through a family friend...

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Passed first time, thank you love to drive...

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Great instructor!...

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